Advantages & Benefits of Instructor-Led Training (ILT) Education

Advantages & Benefits of Instructor-Led Training (ILT) Education

March 29, 2021
Customer Spotlight
Instructor-Led Training (ILT)
Training Strategy

In the learning process, nothing can truly replace the interactive experience of a live instructor. Instructor-led training (ILT) enables companies to provide personalized and hands-on learning directly to students — whether delivered virtually or in a classroom.

First, What is ILT?

ILT stands for instructor-led training, and refers to courses facilitated by an instructor as opposed to self-paced, on-demand courses. ILT is an example of synchronous learning, where learning occurs in real time.

There are various types of ILT courses, such as:

  • Face to face trainings delivered in a physical location
  • Virtual live training delivered via webinar software or other virtual environments
  • Private courses delivered for a private audience, often customized
  • Public courses with open enrollment, where any member of the public could sign up

Is ILT Right for My Company?

Instructor-led training courses are a great option for companies that want to deliver customer training that goes above and beyond self-paced courses. These companies could:

  • Have highly complex products
  • Have mechanical products that require hands-on interaction
  • Need to train a relatively small number of students
  • Have students who are not tech savvy
  • Have students who have the budget, time, and need for full day and/or multi-day training
  • Have clearly established industry or user conferences where training can be delivered
  • Value face-to-face interaction and networking opportunities

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Benefits of Instructor-Led Training (ILT)

Key benefits of instructor-led training include:

Personalized Learning

Experienced instructors can tailor approaches and answer specific questions on a 1:1 basis with small groups of learners.

Immediate Feedback

If a certain module is confusing, too slow, or too fast, the instructor can immediately adjust the teaching plan to accommodate real-time feedback.

Hands-On Experience

With ILT, it’s easier to mix in labs and hands-on exercises. Some topics, such as operating medical equipment, may require hands-on learning.

Low Fixed Costs

Because ILT costs are largely based on instructors and facilities, it’s easy to control costs without investing in content or technology.

Student Networking

Students can meet both the instructor and each other. Dedicated time and space for learning also helps some people better absorb the information.

Perceived Value

Students often have a higher perceived value for ILT, due to clear costs associated with the instructor and facilities.

How One Company Increased Education-Driven Revenue by 40% With ILT

Homecare Homebase (HCHB) is an example of a company that built out its live training program, ultimately increasing education-driven revenue by 40%.

HCHB already had an existing training program with live, instructor-led courses. But HCHB wanted to leverage their ILT program as the foundation for virtual and on-demand programs. Doing so would help them scale their training beyond in-person ILT courses.

HCHB used Skilljar to create HCHB University, an all-in-one educational resource for new and existing customers. This hub was home to a variety of instructor-led trainings:

  • Live trainings scheduled throughout each month
  • In-person events that customers could register for
  • On-demand courses

Just two months after launch, HCHB hit its initial revenue goal of a 15% increase. Within four months of launch, revenue increased 40% year-over-year. Learn more about how HCHB used ILT to increase their customer revenue.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in 2019, and has been updated in 2021.

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