Q1 2022 Core Values Award Winner: Tré Williams

Q1 2022 Core Values Award Winner: Tré Williams

Jami Kelmenson
March 23, 2022
Skilljar News & Updates

Each quarter, Skilljar’s executive team recognizes one or more Skillets who have gone above and beyond in demonstrating one of our core values. We’re thrilled to spotlight one of Q1’s Core Value Award winners: Tré Williams for demonstrating Team Mindset! Congratulations, Tré!

We took a few minutes to sit down with Tré for a quick Q&A to learn more about his time at Skilljar, what he loves about his role as an Account Manager, and a few fun facts! (See all of our Core Values Award winner blog posts here.)

Skilljar Core Values Award winner

Q: You’ve been with Skilljar for one year–congrats! What drew you to Skilljar initially?

I was introduced to Skilljar through a former Senior VP of Sales at an organization where I worked previously, who is now working at Skilljar and believed I would be a great fit for the team. From my initial conversation with him, I sensed the potential and power that working at Skilljar could have for my career. Speaking with the Account Management Team solidified my initial thought about Skilljar and I was even more certain that Skilljar was the next step in my career.

Q: What is your favorite Skilljar memory?

My favorite Skilljar memory is of the Account Management (AM) team dressing up as Power Rangers for Halloween. We were only a few months into knowing each other and the fact that we were able to trust each other and have fun dressing up this way was special. (Even though the AM team lost to the Marketing Team’s Skillet’s Creek takeoff of Schitt’s Creek, Tré is still very proud of their effort.)

Q: Your managers and teammates have commended you for demonstrating team mindset by collaborating in a way that builds trust. What’s been one of your most satisfying moments as an Account Manager?

One of my most satisfying moments was attending Connect (Skilljar’s annual user conference) and being able to see so many of our customers and hear the praise they had for team members throughout the organization. I view this as a testament to how every role matters.

Another memorable moment is closing my first renewal with a customer. It was a team effort between me, my AM Team and the CSM team. It was heartening to see the customer renew with us for three years, demonstrating the faith they have in what we provide.

Q: You’re on the Account Management team. What does an Account Manager do at Skilljar?

As an Account Manager my job is to make sure that our customers are happy and seeing value in our product. I am responsible for ensuring that we are meeting their expectations and helping them reach their business goals. The heart of the Account Management role is to build and maintain relationships with our customers for a long time.

Q: Almost two years ago, Skilljar went fully remote. What’s been your favorite WFH hack over the last year?

Standing desk! Best hack there is. Sitting all day in one position is not good for the body or mental focus. I would also say that Chillhop (the music channel for lofi and jazzy hip hop) on YouTube has been a lifesaver for concentration and filtering out distractions while I zone in on work.

Q: What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend for fun (pre-pandemic or currently)?

Writing reviews for TV and film has become a passion of mine so I might be writing ghost reviews. A main source of inspiration for this passion came from watching Pay or Wait, a YouTube channel and online publication centered on entertainment reviews and interviews. One of my life’s passions is to impact people’s lives positively and I believe the entertainment industry has the power to do that in a multitude of ways.

Q: In your personal life, you serve as an adult role model to inspire kids. How has that impacted your life, and if so, your work?

It has impacted every aspect of my life. I see my life and everything that I’ve experienced as an opportunity to help others, especially the youth. When I was younger, it was hard for me to find young adults that looked like me to look up to for guidance and inspiration.
In my work life, I have found myself able to connect with customers on a unique level. The ability to meet people where they are in a conversation helps to build trust and allows me to give consultative advice about their goals.

My end goal in all of it would be to help others see the value and worth in themselves and to know that we are more than our failures. I view failures as the wind beneath the wings of success.

Thank you, Tré! Congratulations on being named a Core Value Award recipient for Q1 2022!

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