Engagement Emails and Course Actions Tab Features Now Live!

Engagement Emails and Course Actions Tab Features Now Live!

December 16, 2020
Skilljar News & Updates
Skilljar Product

On the heels of our Plans launch earlier this week, we’re bringing you more notable Skilljar platform features: Engagement Emails, Custom Registration Emails, and the Course Actions Tab.

Together, they help drive engagement and course completion among learners, while also centralizing your messaging and learner communication strategy within Skilljar.

What are Engagement Emails?

Engagement Emails are customizable emails that are sent to students who have registered for a course, but have not completed it. Emails can be pre-scheduled and sent within a specified number of days after registration. Campaigns can have up to 15 Engagement Emails per course and can also be used to provide additional resources and/or other follow-up information.

Skilljar Engagement Emails

Engagement section of the new Actions tab

Not only do Engagement Emails offer reminders to encourage students to complete their work (and increase student engagement overall), they also enable your team to centralize marketing and program management tasks completely within Skilljar.

How Can I Use Engagement Emails?

While there are a myriad of use cases for Engagement Emails, here are five ways you can use them to re-engage your learners:

  1. Send reminder emails to ensure they complete a course for which they have registered
  2. If the course is associated with a credential, use emails to encourage learners to come back and earn their certificate
  3. Recommend other courses or resources that the learner might find interesting or relevant
  4. If a learner does not return to an on-demand eLearning course, consider promoting a live training event to drive success instead
  5. Request feedback – particularly if a learner did not complete a course, use Engagement Emails to send out a survey and find out why it did not hit the mark

What is the Course Actions Tab?

Skilljar Course Actions Tab

New Course Actions Tab

The newly launched Course Actions Tab allows you to manage and customize your course messaging for Registration, Engagement, and Completion activities. With the Course Actions Tab, you can easily create new course emails and certificates, or edit existing ones for each of the three categories listed above. For messages that are sent out frequently, you can also create custom templates to streamline future communications.

Let’s take a closer look at the messaging categories listed under the Course Actions Tab:

Registration Actions: Registration emails are triggered when a student registers for a course. As of today, you can now modify these emails to provide all of the necessary information to your learners. Hosted under the Course Actions Tab, you can create a custom registration email that can be activated alongside, or in place of, the existing system-generated email.

Engagement Actions: Engagement actions are triggered when a student registers for a course, has not yet completed the course, AND meets the ‘number-of-days’ criteria that you set for a given engagement email. Users can customize the email template and define the ‘number of days after registration’ when an email is sent.

Completion Actions: Completion actions are triggered when a student completes a course. You are able to create and edit the following actions upon a student’s completion of a course:

  • Email student upon successful completion
  • Email student upon failed completion
  • Email organization upon course completion (for either successful or failed attempts)
  • Issue a certificate after successful completion

Together, Engagement Emails and the Course Actions Tab ensure that learners remain engaged and supported, while also streamlining your own marketing and messaging strategies.

To learn more about Engagement Emails and the Course Actions Tab, check out our on-demand walkthrough with Skilljar’s Learning Experience Designer, Cutler Bleecker.

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