Q2 2022 Core Values Award Winner: Thomas Adams

Q2 2022 Core Values Award Winner: Thomas Adams

Jami Kelmenson
June 17, 2022
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Each quarter, Skilljar’s executive team recognizes one or more Skillets who have gone above and beyond in demonstrating one of our core values. We’re thrilled to spotlight Q2’s Core Value Award winner: Thomas Adams for demonstrating Ownership! Congratulations, Thomas!

We took a few minutes to sit down with Thomas for a quick Q&A to learn more about his time at Skilljar, what he loves about his role as a RevOps (Revenue Operations) Program Manager, and a few fun facts! See all of our Core Values Award winner blog posts here.

Skilljar Core Values Thomas Adama

Q: You’ve been with Skilljar for over a year now–congrats! What drew you to Skilljar initially? Do you have any favorite memories from your time so far?

I think it was the triple whammy of “learning” that drew me to Skilljar. At the product level, I loved that we would be helping companies teach and enable customers in new ways, and as someone who has had to do a lot of self learning on products, that spoke to me.

I also felt that the company size was perfect to learn first-hand the challenges of a Series B startup, and Skilljar had the right group of people to steer the ship. Lastly, I felt that everyone I talked with during the interview process believed in the idea of continual learning and so, I would be learning a lot from them.

It’s tough to name a favorite memory, but I remember when I first joined, Scott Heinemann (Marketing Operations) and I spent one morning testing and prepping a big project for launch to the Sales team. It felt like we were drinking from the firehose, but I knew I was in the right place when the people you work with are as committed as you are.

Q: Your managers and teammates have commended you for demonstrating a pattern of ownership to ensure our customers get the best outcomes and experience from Skilljar. What’s been one of your most satisfying moments as a RevOps Program Manager?

I think one of my most satisfying moments was launching the RevOps Support Ticket portal. I came up with a way to reduce the internal channels of communication, which made it easier for teammates (Sales, Marketing, Customer Success, Leadership) to get the support they needed from RevOps.

Q: You’re on the Sales/RevOps team. What does a RevOps program manager do at Skilljar? Is there anything you love to nerd out on?

I help ensure the systems, tools, and behaviors of our Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success teams are enabling the business to capture the right level of data and meet our company goals and commitments.

I love to nerd out on anything Salesforce or how to build a better prospecting process!

Q: Almost two years ago, Skilljar went fully remote. What’s been your favorite WFH hack over the last year? Any new hobbies?

Make sure to enjoy lunch and take breaks! I feel it is easy to get sucked into 100% work but we forget that an office environment would usually provide natural breaks and connections with colleagues. So step away from the desk to walk, snack–whatever!

I got a Peloton and love it!

Q: You started your career at Harley Davidson. Are you secretly an Evel Kneivel wannabe or is there a marketing angle here?

No Evel Kneivel aspirations, but I have always loved motorcycles, and after wrapping up college, it felt like a good time to explore that interest. I learned a lot on this job as a Customer Relationship Manager, working and talking with people from all walks of life.

I remember my first day out of training, going up to people browsing on the dealer floor to offer tours of the building. I talked with one man for some time, showing him the somewhat hidden used motorcycles and chatting about his travels as a truck driver.

When I arrived the next morning, he was talking with finance to purchase one of the motorcycles we had looked at together. When I congratulated him on the purchase, he said that in all his travels and showroom visits, I was the only person that took the time to talk with him as a true prospect for a purchase that expensive. Apparently, whenever he browsed in the past and people found out he was a truck driver, they lost interest because they didn’t think he would be able to buy anything.

I think about that moment still, in regard to customer service. For me, it always comes down to treating other people with respect and humanity. Some advice I would offer is that it’s probably best to check your assumptions at the door before talking with anyone.

Q: Final question – What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend for fun (pre-pandemic or currently)?

I love a good strategy board game, from 7 Wonders to Twilight Imperium, so hopefully playing with friends.

Thank you, Thomas! Congratulations on being named the Core Value Award recipient for Q2 2022!

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