[New eBook] How to Choose Between On-Demand and Instructor-Led Training

[New eBook] How to Choose Between On-Demand and Instructor-Led Training

June 7, 2016
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Many companies provide training services to help their customers and partners successfully adopt their product. According to Salesforce, customers who invest in training consistently report >80% higher ROI on their Salesforce investment.¹A critical path decision for companies offering training and education services is whether to offer on-demand training, instructor-led training, or both. Each has its pros and cons, and will have different success rates depending on your organization's needs.

In our guide, "How to Choose Between On-Demand and Instructor-Led Training," you will learn:

  • Which training option is better at scale
  • How to offer more hands-on or hands-off training
  • The varying costs and resources required for each training type

...and more. Click here to download the full guide!


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