Healthcare Training Reimagined: The Critical Role of a Modern LMS

Healthcare Training Reimagined: The Critical Role of a Modern LMS

Caroline Van Dyke
April 30, 2024
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If you're entrenched in the healthcare industry—whether you’re dealing with Medical Devices, BioTech, Life Sciences, Pharmaceuticals, or Healthcare Tech—you know the environment is as dynamic as it is demanding. The days of relying solely on traditional, in-person training sessions that stretch over days are numbered.

Why? Because your audience—physicians, clinicians, researchers, they don't just need training; they need training that keeps pace with rapid innovation and doesn't pull them away from their critical roles for any longer than absolutely necessary. Plus, incosistent training poses legal & safety risks that could cost you.

Here’s the deal: In-person training overly broad and not nearly precise enough. What you need is a Learning Management System (LMS) that’s as sharp and efficient as the healthcare professionals you’re aiming to train.Here's a quick take on how you can cut through lagging tradition and broken training to deploying effective, scalable strategies.

Traditional Training in Healthcare: Why You're Ready for a Refresh

If you can relate to any of the below (and you're reading this after all), we're going to guess you're ready to take a fresh approach:

Geographical and Scheduling Nightmares: Picture trying to organize training for clinicians spread across continents, all while trying to dodge their packed schedules. Traditional methods are a logistical headache—costly and cumbersome.

Keeping Pace with Tech Advancements: In fields like BioTech and Medical Devices, what was cutting-edge a month ago could be old news today. Your training content needs to adapt at the speed of thought, or you risk leaving your audience behind.

Compliance Without Complication: From medical devices to pharmaceuticals, compliance is non-negotiable. But ensuring that every professional is up-to-date shouldn't be as painful as pulling teeth. You need streamlined, trackable training that makes compliance checks a breeze.

What a Flexible LMS Can Do to Simplify Training

Let's get to it—what can an LMS do to take the messiness and stress out of training?

Scalability and Accessibility: An LMS extends your reach without stretching your resources thin. It delivers training across borders and time zones, without the airfare and accommodation costs.

Instant Updates Across the Board: New regulatory requirement? Latest industry innovation? Update your training content in real-time and push it out across the board. Your professionals stay in the know, without missing a beat.

Compliance Tracking on Autopilot: With robust analytics and reporting, an LMS doesn’t just deliver training—it confirms and documents it. Whether it’s for internal audits or external accreditations, you’re covered. Plus, certifications can be deployed en-masse and tracked automatically.

8-Step Guide to Implementing an LMS in Healthcare

Pretty sure you're ready to modernize your approach, but not sure what that will look like? Here's a quick snapshot of how you can uplevel your training with an LMS:

Step 1: Evaluate Your Training Environment

What to Do: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of your current training methods, including content, delivery formats, learner engagement, and compliance adherence.

Why It’s Better: Understanding the current state allows you to identify specific healthcare challenges such as regulatory changes and complex medical procedures that require more sophisticated training solutions.

Step 2: Define Your Training Goals

What to Do: Set clear, measurable objectives tailored to the healthcare sector, such as improving clinical skills, reducing onboarding time, enhancing compliance, and offering Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits.

Why It’s Better: Unlike the broad objectives in manufacturing, healthcare training goals need to address critical factors like patient care quality, medical error reduction, and regulatory compliance.

Step 3: Select the Appropriate LMS

What to Do: Choose an LMS that offers robust compliance tracking, support for multimedia content for complex medical training, integration with existing healthcare systems, and the ability to issue and track certifications.

Why It’s Better: Healthcare requires an LMS that not only educates but also complies with strict industry regulations, which is a step beyond the general capabilities needed in manufacturing.

Step 4: Develop and Migrate Content

What to Do: Convert existing training materials into digital formats that utilize interactive and multimedia elements. Develop new content that can be easily updated as medical guidelines and technologies evolve.

Why It’s Better: Dynamic content is crucial in healthcare, where procedures and protocols change rapidly, necessitating frequent updates that traditional training methods can't accommodate.

Step 5: Implement Certification and Compliance Modules

What to Do: Integrate certification tracks that are recognized by medical boards and compliance bodies, and ensure the LMS can manage and report on these credentials effectively.

Why It’s Better: Certifications are not only a benchmark of professional development in healthcare but are often required for legal and regulatory reasons, making them more critical than in many manufacturing contexts.

Step 6: Launch and Monetize Select Training

What to Do: Offer certain specialized training modules on a subscription or fee basis, particularly for advanced medical education that can lead to CME credits or certifications.

Why It’s Better: This approach not only covers the costs of producing high-quality educational content but also opens up a revenue stream, supporting the ongoing development of training resources.

Step 7: Train, Support, and Expand

What to Do: Provide thorough training for all users on how to use the LMS effectively. Continually support users with resources and updates. Consider expanding training access to external stakeholders such as medical students or potential healthcare staff.

Why It’s Better: Comprehensive training and robust support ensure high engagement and effective use of the LMS, crucial for maintaining high standards in healthcare.

Step 8: Monitor, Assess, and Enhance

  • What to Do: Regularly analyze training effectiveness using the LMS’s analytics capabilities. Solicit feedback from all user levels and adapt the training program accordingly to enhance its relevance and impact.
  • Why It’s Better: Continuous improvement is essential in healthcare, where outcomes can directly influence patient care and safety.

Must-Have LMS Features

Integration with CRM Systems Like Salesforce: To truly understand the impact of your training programs, your LMS should sync seamlessly with your CRM. This integration provides a 360-view of how training impacts performance and compliance.

Robust Reporting for Informed Decisions: Which modules are most effective? Where are learners struggling? Comprehensive analytics provide these insights, allowing you to fine-tune your programs for maximum impact.

VILT and On-Demand Capabilities: Some training may still require a personal touch. Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) options provide the personal engagement of live training with the convenience of digital delivery.

"With Skilljar, we’ve been able to serve more dynamic content to our internal teams, as well as create a powerful lead generation and educational tool for our customers and prospects. It’s incredible that Skilljar can work so well for both distinct target markets." — Lauren Feekin, Biotechnology Marketing Specialist, LI-COR

Next Steps for Future-Ready Training

Embracing a state-of-the-art LMS in the healthcare industry is less about keeping up and more about staying ahead. It’s about delivering precise, compliant, and effective training that respects the time and expertise of your audience. As healthcare continues to evolve, make sure your training methods aren’t just keeping up—they’re leading the way.

Remember, in healthcare, an effective LMS isn’t just about better training—it’s about better outcomes. Ready to take a look at what Skilljar's LMS can do for you? Take a product tour.

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