Customer Education in the Wake of COVID-19: Trends and Insights

Customer Education in the Wake of COVID-19: Trends and Insights

May 21, 2020
Skilljar News & Updates
Training Strategy

Last week, we released our 2020 Customer Education Benchmarks and Trends Report. Included in the report is a special section on insights related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education programs.

Our survey identified the following trends:

  • Student Behavior: 50% of respondents indicate that their students are now spending more time learning.
  • Access: 23% of respondents have opened up some or all of their courses to new audiences (non-customers, employees, and/or the public) in light of the pandemic.
  • Pricing: 40% of respondents are now offering some free or discounted courses, where previously all courses were fee-based.
  • Budget: 61% of respondents expect no change in their budgets in the next three months (April – June 2020).

While the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to have long-term impacts for nearly every organization, there is an opportunity for education professionals to take the lead in helping their companies and their customers adapt to the new abnormal we’re facing.

To learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on Customer Education, and to download the full 2020 Customer Education Benchmarks and Trends Report, please visit

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