A Look Back at our Most Popular Product Features of 2021 [Customer Coffee Chat Recap]

A Look Back at our Most Popular Product Features of 2021 [Customer Coffee Chat Recap]

Jami Kelmenson
January 18, 2022
Customer Education Coffee Chats
Skilljar Product

Welcome to 2022! Our first coffee chat of the New Year recapped our top product features from 2021, with an eye toward what’s to come in 2022!*

Customer Education Coffee Chats, hosted by Cutler Bleecker, Skilljar’s Learning Experience Designer, are interactive discussions designed for customers to connect with and learn from our Customer Ed Community, tour other academies/training sites, see live demos of the latest Skilljar product features, and have their questions answered in a supportive environment. Skilljar customers can register for our next monthly Customer Education Coffee Chat here.

Cutler used this opportunity to recap some of Skilljar’s best product features. In case you missed them, keep reading!

Learning Paths

Skilljar Learning Paths

A Learning Path is a collection of related courses in your training catalog that can be arranged for your learners to take in sequence. Skilljar customers use this functionality to easily show users which courses are part of the same training bundle, topic, level of knowledge, and more.

2021 saw a revamp for Learning Paths to provide a better learner experience. Learning Paths are now easier to understand, navigate, and travel, so that learners can:

  • Enroll in a path made up of multiple courses. As they complete one course, they will be automatically enrolled in the next
  • See where they are along the path, what’s ahead, and to get more information on upcoming lessons with expandable views and progress bars
  • Quickly pick up the path where they left off with resume button

Learn more about how you can improve customer training experiences with Learning Paths.

Quiz Question Banks

Skilljar Quiz Question Banks

Skilljar customers can create quiz question banks (pools of questions based on topic, role, product, etc.) that can be used across an unlimited number of quizzes.

Quizzes can contain a combination of question bank questions and questions created on the fly. Questions created on the fly can be converted into a question bank as well.

For customers that use quizzes and certification assessments (e.g., at the end of a learning path to assess learner’s knowledge) you can reuse some questions later on by storing them in the Question Bank.

High-stakes Exam Integrations

Skilljar High-stakes Exam Integrations

For customers that offer high-stakes exams for certifications, integrations are key.

Skilljar integrates with Credly, Caveon, and ProctorFree. Skilljar customers can easily integrate a variety of secure assessments into their courses to provide a seamless exam experience. Using these tools helps promote brand awareness as well, as users can add their certifications to their LinkedIn profiles.

Learn more about badges, certificates, and certifications.

User Permissions

Skilljar Enhanced User Permissions

Not all of your dashboard users need access to everything in your Customer Education dashboard. With enhanced user permissions, Skilljar customers can assign users access to certain areas of the dashboard, so, for example, if someone only needs to view your analytics, they don’t get access to your Course Management page.

Assigning permissions to individual employees, partners, or customers gives them access to exactly the data and functions they need and ensures the right people have access to the information they need to do their jobs while maintaining the level of control that is right for your organization.

Learn more about how to manage and assign user permissions.

Course Audit Log

Skilljar Course Audit Log

Skilljar customers can check for changes to their dashboards – who made what change and when – with audit logs. A course filter is available to provide a focused view of the changelog for a specific course or courses, along with a date range filter to pinpoint a period in time. Audit log data is available for download as a CSV file, filtered or unfiltered.

Learn more about how to use audit logs.

Want to keep tabs on Skilljar’s new features and enhancements for 2022, energize your programs, and learn from other learning professionals about what they’re doing?

Join our next customer coffee chat.

*Sorry, for customers only!

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