Skilljar Raises $2.6M to Scale Customer Training

Skilljar Raises $2.6M to Scale Customer Training

September 21, 2015

We are excited to announce today that Trilogy Equity Partners has led a $2.6M investment in Skilljar, with participation from our existing investors. As part of the investment, Amy McCullough has joined our board of directors, and Chuck Stonecipher has joined as a board observer.Since starting Skilljar, it's been an incredible learning experience for me in all things startups, sales, fundraising, product-market fit, and pivots. I'd especially like to thank:

  • Our amazing customers who found us and believed in our vision, provided us feedback, and were willing to take a chance with us to build a truly disruptive product;
  • Our team - Dano, Ben, Morgan, Molly, and my co-founder Jason for being absolute rock-stars, and our extended team members (Doug, Samy, Keegan, Sarah) - I'm so lucky to be working with such talented, motivated people;
  • Our fantastic group of angel investors who provided us with encouragement, advice, intros, and support through the highs and lows of the last 18 months.

I am really looking forward to working with Trilogy to reinvent how companies onboard, engage, and train their customers and partners. If you'd like to be part of our journey, good news - we're hiring :)Onward!Sandi Lin, CEO

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