Skilljar's 2018 Customer Training Goals

Skilljar's 2018 Customer Training Goals

February 21, 2018
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We recently released the eBook "Customer Training Goals for 2018," where we discussed how to set effective customer training goals for the upcoming year. In this special edition of our Training Tips series, we asked Linda Schwaber-Cohen, Head of Training at Skilljar, what she would like to achieve in 2018.

What is your #1 customer training goal for 2018?

My number one goal is to increase the reach of our program, which we believe will in turn improve the strategic impact of our Customer Success team by freeing up time in their conversations.

That's the impact we've seen since launch. Onboarding is a real priority for us. In fact, it’s the key to getting customers seeing the value of our product, so we want to make sure all new customers spend time in our on-demand training offer. Our target is that 90% of new customers go through the program within a month of signing on.

How will you measure your progress along the way?

It's really simple to see who is accessing training in Skilljar so we'll be cross referencing our list of new customers with our Skilljar registration and enrollment analytics. We track our progress to goal monthly.

Are there any challenges that may prevent you from meeting this goal?

We're lucky that we are catering to people who understand the value of training. After all, they're mostly training professionals. That being said, it takes teamwork to get everyone motivated to get started, so our challenge will be making sure that our sales team and customer success teams are spreading the word and getting a commitment from the customer to go in and learn!


In our Training Tips series, we asked Training, Marketing, and Customer Success Managers what some of their best practices are to get the most out of a customer training program. Stay tuned for new Q&As each month! 


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