New Year’s Resolution: Learn Something New

New Year’s Resolution: Learn Something New

January 3, 2014
Training Strategy

January is the ultimate time for new beginnings, and with it comes the motivation for self-improvement. Will you begin eating organic, travel more, start a blog? Will you resolve to learn something new in 2014?

Learn Adobe Photoshop to take your photos to the next level. Complement your resolution to find a new job by mastering HTML. Getting married this spring? Gain the skills necessary to create your own wedding website. Challenge yourself, and set goals to keep you on track and learning throughout the year. Self-paced online offerings make learning more convenient than ever — get comfy on the couch, or take a course by phone on your morning bus ride. Whether your interests are personal or professional, the tools are available and the time is right. Resolve to learn!

Share your ideas: tell us what you will be learning this year!

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