The Key to Successful Content Marketing (Psst: It’s not Great Content)

The Key to Successful Content Marketing (Psst: It’s not Great Content)

January 30, 2014
Content Development
Training Strategy

Online courses are a great tool for content marketing. But how can you be certain that your strategy will be effective? There are multiple details that will have an effect on the outcome of your marketing plan, but one in particular that is the most important.

Here’s an example. You design wedding cakes. You have years of experience. You have perfected the art of frosting. From edible flowers to elaborate etching, each design is intricate and awe-inspiring. You have created professional videos sharing some decorating tips.

You have great content. What else do you need?


You can’t market wedding cake services if there are no weddings, and if there are no aspiring cake designers.

Whatever your area of expertise is, you cannot successfully market your content if the content does not hold specific relevance for your audience.

You’ve got helpful information? Great. It’s beautifully curated? That’s a plus. You’re the expert in your niche? Excellent. All great details to set you apart in the sea of content that exists online today. But relevance is what will ensure your content gets noticed to begin with.

In an article from Mashable, writer Stephanie Walden names 5 companies whose content marketing stand out from the rest:

  1. Zady, retail site focusing on solid construction and timeless design
  2. Sweetgreen, restaurant chain focusing on organic and sustainable ingredients
  3. Birchbox, subscription-based e-commerce platform for cosmetics
  4. Of a Kind, retail site that also includes story of how the products were made
  5. Equinox, fitness club chain

The common thread between each of these businesses is relevant content presented to an interested audience.

Know of any other companies rising up in the world of content marketing? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment.

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