[eBook] 3 Risks You Take By Not Investing in Customer Education

[eBook] 3 Risks You Take By Not Investing in Customer Education

September 1, 2020
Customer Experience
Training Strategy

Offering a great product is only a part of what makes for successful users in today’s subscription economy. After all, if users don’t find sustained value in your offering they’re likely to stop using your product. A great onboarding experience is essential, yes, but you also have to help users learn about new features and find answers when they have questions.

Customer Education is one of the most effective mechanisms to ensure that your customers are regularly deriving value from your innovative products and services.

Investing in Customer Education can help you onboard, engage, and retain customers at scale. Of course, there are risks to not investing as well. In our latest eBook, we’ve identified three of the greatest risks based on our work with hundreds of leading technology companies:

  • Users cannot quickly find value in your product
  • Generic onboarding does not address diverse use cases
  • Users are not finding ongoing value in your product

To learn how Customer Education will help you and your organization avoid these risks, fill out the form below to download our eBook:

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