Celebrating Egnyte’s 100 Quick Tips: Educate & Engage Customers in Less Than 60 Seconds

Celebrating Egnyte’s 100 Quick Tips: Educate & Engage Customers in Less Than 60 Seconds

Jami Kelmenson
June 15, 2021
Content Development
Customer Spotlight

Here’s a “Quick Tip” for all customer education content creators:

Egnyte — a unified platform to secure, manage, and maximize your digital content from any device, any app, anywhere — has developed a way to increase customer knowledge through an education platform that’s engaging, digestible, and proven successful. It’s called Quick Tips. And they’re so powerful for educating and engaging customers, they’ve made more than 100 of them since 2018.

100 Quick Tips for Customer Education

Egnyte University offers 140 courses (over 20,767 learning hours completed by students to-date) and hosts more than 1,700 active students each month. According to Amanda Hartman, Director of Customer Success Operations for Egnyte:

“Quick Tips are bite-size training videos jam-packed with information to give our learners the knowledge and skills they need to maximize their use of our platform in less than 60 seconds.”

With topics for both admins and users, Quick Tips are the perfect resource for fast, easily digestible content. In fact, many of our customers incorporate Quick Tips into their own guides and newsletters to help keep their own users up-to-date.”

We thought it only fitting to help Egnyte spread the word about the success of Quick Tips to increase customer knowledge, not only because we’re proud of our what our customers are accomplishing with our platform — but because Quick Tips are a tool anyone in our community can leverage in their academies or universities.

Egnyte's 100 Quick Tip Videos for Customer Education

Quick Tips cover a wide range of topics from new product features to handy workflows, including this one — the steps users can take to enable two-step verification for added security.

Here are some, eh, tips from Jake Herres, Manager, Curriculum Development at Egnyte on how they got started with Quick Tips and how you can begin using them in your education platform:

Why do you think Quick Tips resonate with your customers?

JH: Because they’re quick. Someone can learn about a very honed-in aspect of our product without investing a lot of time.

What led you to the idea of Quick Tips in the first place?

Jake Herres: I saw a short clip on LinkedIn once and thought, “I think we have a lot of content we can speak to in under one minute. We should try this out.

Can you share your process for creating Quick Tips? How do you decide what topics to feature in a Quick Tip?

JH: We look at what is new to the platform, what questions come up most from users, or what may be a barrier to success for a domain which could be remedied with a little knowledge.

Did you have any idea at the onset that Quick Tips would become so popular?

JH: There’s always that hope, but we did not expect them to become not only popular, but a common asset added to customer communication.

Why is video your medium of choice for most of your content?

JH: Video is engaging, especially on social media. It allows us to display the product and guide the viewer so they understand any steps they should take to try a feature for themselves. The written steps are also available to users through our Helpdesk.

Do you have any plans to change or augment Quick Tips for the next 100 installments?

JH: We are always looking at ways to improve how we present Egnyte to our customers, and I believe Quick Tips are ever-changing.

Are there any other content forms you plan to roll out for Egnyte University?

JH: We have live training, private training sessions, eLearning and Quick Tips. Next up will be including more content our users can take with them, such as downloadable PDFs that complement our video work.

How do you use social media to amplify Quick Tips?

JH: Customers can access all 100+ Quick Tips in Egnyte University, but anyone can view them on our social channels, as a new one is posted every Tuesday.

This week officially marks their 100th Quick Tip – so this blog post is our way of saying:

Congratulations Egnyte and keep up the quick tips!

                                                                    — From your friends at Skilljar

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