Announcing the 2020 Customer Education Industry Benchmarks Report

Announcing the 2020 Customer Education Industry Benchmarks Report

February 3, 2020
Skilljar News & Updates
Training Strategy

We’ve heard from many of you that it can be a challenge to compare the structure and performance of your customer education programs relative to that of our industry peers. That’s why we’re excited to kick off the 2020 Skilljar Customer Education Industry Benchmarks Survey and Report!

With your help, this report will elucidate how companies across a variety of industries are building, optimizing, and measuring their training programs. The report will also include anonymized, industry-leading benchmarks from Skilljar customers for your reference.

How You Can Help

We’d love your participation in a brief, 10-minute survey about the state of your company’s training program. Those who complete the survey will receive free access to the report and also be entered to win one of ten (10) $25 Amazon gift cards.

Please click the link below to take the survey. The survey will be open until Wednesday, February 19th, 2020.

Take the Survey

Note: All survey submissions will be anonymous and we will not distribute the data to any third parties.

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