New Feature: Advanced Analytics and Reporting

New Feature: Advanced Analytics and Reporting

February 11, 2015
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Here at Skilljar, we understand how important it is measure the quality of your training program. We've been working hard to bring you the most useful analytics. We're collecting an enormous amount of data, and our new, robust reporting makes it easier than ever for you to track user engagement and performance at every level.In Skilljar's newly revamped learner tracking and reporting, we make it easy to view training in aggregate, by course, by group, and by user - even down to individual quiz responses by user.Let's take a look at the details.

Course, Student, and Quiz Reports

The new navigation menu provides an easy way to access an overview of your training program, courses, students, and quizzes. Each overview provides a quick review of data like number of registrations, number of courses completed, quiz scores and more.Analytics navigation menu (with the Courses section selected):


You can also drill down in each section for more details at the individual course, lesson, student, and quiz levels. From the courses section, for example, you can see an overview of all of your courses, or drill down for detailed reports of views and session time per lesson. We cover the student and quiz sections in more detail in the rest of this article.

Expanded Student Analytics

We've added more data to student analytics to provide the most extensive learner tracking. If you need to know how many courses a student is registered for, or has completed, our new student reports can help. Our expanded student reporting provides a list of all students who have registered for training. It displays the total number of course registrations, course completions, and credits/hours/points (if applicable) earned for each student. From this report, you can also easily track each student's sign up date and date of last activity.Summary by student:


Student overview:


Course activity by student:



If you need to view a student's certificate, we've added a link to each certificate in the Student Overview report. From the Student Summary report, click on a student name to see their progress for each course they are registered for. If a certificate was received, you can access the certificate here.


Quiz Analytics

We've added a new quiz analytics section, providing everything from individual quiz responses to average quiz score for a course. Need an easy way to see how many students have taken a quiz? Or perhaps you want to look at a specific learner's responses? We've got you covered. Now you can view reports on your quizzes at the quiz, question, and individual learner levels.Quiz overview: provides a view of quiz completions, average score, and passing score required (if applicable) for each quiz in your training program.


Summary of quiz responses: this report provides an aggregate view of responses to each quiz question.


Individual quiz responses - quickly view a learner's quiz score, or view a detailed report of an individual's responses.


I hope you find the new analytics helpful! As always, your feedback is welcome.

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