[Webinar Recap] Promoting Customer Success with Diverse Learning Channels

[Webinar Recap] Promoting Customer Success with Diverse Learning Channels

October 29, 2019
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In our recent webinar with SmashFly’s Vice President, Customer Success, Chrissy Irvine, and Hannah Leary, SmashFly’s Customer Success Operations Specialist, discussed how they used a phased approach to expand their Customer Education program and directly addressed customer feedback about training formats and offerings.Inhabiting the emerging industry of recruitment marketing, SmashFly’s platform is a large, broad, highly-configurable platform, requiring SmashFly to not only train customers on its product, but also about the industry and recruitment marketing landscape at large. Accordingly, SmashFly’s training program needed to educate its customers beyond “how-to” videos and provide more contextual, guiding content. SmashFly’s training program originally consisted of a monthly schedule of standardized public trainings. Courses were 3+ hours long, conducted live and virtually, and most customers required several sessions to truly understand the product and the landscape. This system, while effective, was a heavy lift on trainers and a lengthy commitment for customers. In tandem with the launch of its recruitment marketing industry certification, SmashFly worked with Skilljar to address several core customer training needs:

  • Shorter training sessions
  • Global availability of training content
  • New hire onboarding
  • Ongoing on-demand training

On the internal side, SmashFly sought to:

  • Set a better foundation for scaling
  • Streamline training efforts
  • Better utilize their trainers
  • Increase the agility of their program

Based on this customer feedback and with executive buy-in, SmashFly partnered with Skilljar to first, take its beta certification course and put it online and on-demand. This not only freed up trainers’ time to work more in-depth with customers, it also addressed customer feedback, and enabled the team to focus on creating new content. Since shifting to Skilljar, SmashFly restructured and realigned the organization’s education services function and further connected it to the company’s customer success and customer experience initiatives. With a lean team of just 2.5 dedicated education specialists, SmashFly has transformed training into an even more impactful driver of lifetime value and product adoption.To learn more about how SmashFly is developing more tailored, role-based learning paths, as well as on-demand and blended training content, view the webinar on-demand now!

SmashFly On-Demand

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