Tips and Tools for Creating On-Demand, Video Content

Tips and Tools for Creating On-Demand, Video Content

Cutler Bleecker
July 22, 2020
Content Development
Training Strategy

When you are just starting to create on-demand, video content, the process can seem intimidating. But by focusing on a few key areas, you can create high-quality videos that make a big impact. There are several factors to consider when planning and recording your content. Typically, putting more thought and effort into pre-production planning will make the production process easier and you will ultimately end up with a better-finished product.

I usually like to break my content formats into two types: on-camera and off-camera. If I am filming myself or someone else, my production needs change and I’ll plan for on-camera recording. On the other hand, if I am recording voiceover or narration, I don’t have to worry or plan for the same things as if I was on-camera. Let’s take look at some examples:

When I am creating a video that includes a subject on-camera, I start by asking myself a number of questions:  

  • Where will I be filming? When is the best time of day to film at the location?
  • What camera will I be using?
  • What lighting do I need?
  • What microphone should I use?
  • How long will it take to set up equipment? When should I set up?
  • Do I need a script? How long will it take to write my script?
On-Camera Video

On-Camera Video

For off-camera content, my needs change, as do my preparations. Some of the questions I ask for off-camera videos include:

  • Do I need a script?
  • Where am I recording? When?
  • Is my microphone set up?
  • What will the viewer see while I’m speaking?
Off-Camera Video

Off-Camera Video

While on- and off-camera content require different types of planning, I find that a lot of my content is a mix of both. You may realize that  you like to have someone on-camera to introduce the content you are going to cover or to provide a summary at the end of your video. In these situations,  I have to think about everything that goes into planning for both formats. However, the biggest issue I find when blending the formats can be the difference in audio when you switch from one to the other. I find it is usually best to just record all of my audio — for both on-screen and off-screen — at the same time so that it matches up nicely.

To learn more ways to improve the quality of your on-demand, video content, check out this new course in Skilljar Academy: Tips and Tools for Creating On-Demand Content. I share some of the tools I personally use, as well as things to keep in mind when planning your next piece of video content. There are tons of resources out there that can help you make better videos. Start by picking the area that needs the most improvement and focus on that for your next video. Once you have that area improved, tackle the next one. Keep making progress and improving the quality of your content!

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