Selling Training: An Overview of Skilljar's Payment & Data Improvements

Selling Training: An Overview of Skilljar's Payment & Data Improvements

May 23, 2017
Skilljar Product


Since Skilljar was founded, we’ve focused our efforts on building the best system for external training and certification. We enable training teams to experiment with their training programs and encourage our customers and partners to use data to evolve their programs to maximize the impact of their efforts.

Facilitating a paid training offering, whether through e-commerce or direct sales, has always been a big part of this approach. Our founders’ experience working at Amazon created a solid foundation for this, and as we’ve grown, we’ve built on this foundation to provide the flexibility that the modern training organization needs.

There’s no question that philosophies and needs around charging for educational services have changed over the past few years. As Customer Success Teams and recurring revenue models are increasingly prevalent in businesses, the emphasis on driving revenue from training has shifted. Since 2010, the number of education services organizations that named revenue as their primary objective decreased 33% (TSIA State of Education Services, 2017). That being said, 40% of organizations are still charging for extended enterprise learning (Brandon Hall Group, 2017 Extended Enterprise Learning). As new priorities take hold, our customers often express the need for pricing and packaging flexibility, and for better integration into greater business systems. We believe that your LMS shouldn’t dictate your training strategy, but rather, it should work for you and provide the capabilities you need to achieve your goals.

That’s why we’re excited to announce a series of features that we’ve recently released and are currently in progress that will make this entire experience even better. These features allow our users to experiment with different program, pricing and packaging models, and provide their businesses with streamlined financial processing and data integration.

Pricing and Packaging

Today, Skilljar customers can charge for a-la-carte courses or sell subscriptions to their training portals. Soon, we’ll also be releasing updates to allow for selling course bundles adding to the variety of priced offerings or SKUs available for students to purchase. We’re also in the process of revamping our promo code creation to make it easier to create and manage discounts and promotional offerings.

Financial Data and Analytics

We understand the importance of incorporating training data into other systems needed to reconcile financials and demonstrate ROI. Skilljar optimizes for this with features like our Salesforce integration and Business Intelligence Connector. We’re currently increasing the types of data we send to Salesforce to include all purchase, access code and order data. The updates will help training departments integrate their data into widely used business systems and better evaluate impact.

Processing e-Commerce Payments

We also recently added several new custom payment gateways, expanding the ways that we enable our customers to receive payments. Offering a variety of payment gateways allows for transactions to route directly to a company’s own bank accounts and financial systems, streamlining business processes and allowing for easier revenue reconciliation. These developments will help take care of the variety of internal stakeholders that work with training revenue and metrics across the business, and contribute to a greater understanding of how training drives business results.

As Skilljar continues to grow, we’ll continue to listen to our customers and the needs of the industry to fuel our product developments. We look forward to maintaining and building on the best-in-class external training experience that our users and their students have come to expect.

Summary of New Features

  • Payment Gateways - Merchant eSolutions, Payflow Pro, Cybersource
  • Updated Salesforce App with additional data
  • Promo Code Updates
  • Course Bundles for Purchase


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