Q1 Core Values Award Winner: Serena Lertkantitham

Q1 Core Values Award Winner: Serena Lertkantitham

March 15, 2021
Skilljar News & Updates

Each quarter, Skilljar’s executive team recognizes one Skillet who has gone above and beyond in demonstrating one of our core values. We’re thrilled to announce this quarter’s Core Value Award winner: Serena Lertkantitham for demonstrating Team Mindset! Congratulations, Serena!

We took a few minutes to sit down with Serena for a quick Q&A to learn more about her time at Skilljar, what she loves about her role, and a few fun facts!  

Q: You’ve been with Skilljar for almost a year and a half – congrats! What drew you to Skilljar initially, and do you have a favorite Skilljar memory you can share with us?

I was drawn to Skilljar because the mission to further customer education resonated with my personal value of continuous learning. This was further exemplified when I joined the team and saw how the product and the people adopted this mission through our core values.

One of my favorite memories at Skilljar was my first trivia event (even though my team didn’t win!). I had been in the office for about 4 months before we moved remote due to the global pandemic.  This was one of my favorite moments after going virtual, because it brought the organization together.  The Fun Committee worked hard to be inclusive ensuring there were a wide variety of questions and formats so everyone had fun!

Q: You’re on the SSE team (Services & Support Engineers). Explain like I’m five – what does an SSE do at Skilljar? Is there anything you love to nerd out on?

In the most simple terms, SSEs at Skilljar solve technical problems that help our customers achieve their goals. I love to nerd out on making processes more efficient whether it’s work related or not.  I love digging into how I can help make the journey from point A to point B easier and more streamlined.

Q: Almost a year ago, Skilljar went fully remote. What’s been your favorite WFH hack over the last year? Have you picked up any new hobbies?

I developed a few WFH hacks as the reality of remote work became more permanent. My first was to move my desk from my bedroom to a separate room with natural sunlight; this helped create the physical separation between work and play that I used to have when I commuted to an office everyday. More recently, my most impactful WFH hack is to take breaks to clear my mind – I’ll either go on a walk on a sunny day or do a mini yoga / stretch session to get the blood flowing.

One thing my friends and I have adopted this quarantine is having a weekend Zoom session to cook the same recipe and tackle the Sunday New York Time crossword. I am also trying to learn Mandarin Chinese!

Q: Given that Skilljar is a learning platform, it’s no surprise that a lot of Skillets enjoy learning new things too! If you could become an expert in something overnight, what would it be?

I would love to become an expert in cooking and plating to create 3-star Michelin dining experiences… or become a master seamstress and own an amazing atelier that designs specifically for petite sizes.

Q: Final question – What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend for fun (pre-pandemic or currently)?

Pre-Covid, I was a regular at the yoga studio in the morning and spent my spare time reading in my hammock by the pool. Nowadays, yoga is at home and instead of reading by the pool, I read on my couch snuggled up by the fireplace. Same same but different!  

Thank you, Serena! Congratulations on being this quarter’s Core Value Award recipient!

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