How SCORM Impacts Your Customer Training Completion Rates

How SCORM Impacts Your Customer Training Completion Rates

November 4, 2016
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This past October, we released a study on Customer Training Completion Rates. This post will be outlining our findings regarding how SCORM impacts these completion rates and whether or not SCORM lessons will benefit your training program.Instructional designers invest hefty resources into building out SCORM files and lessons. There are several experiential benefits for the learner, including interactivity, learning pathways, and a high degree of customization. SCORM has been a staple in eLearning modules for some time, and much of the eLearning industry is dedicated to the SCORM conversation. Our first assumption was that SCORM is beneficial for keeping learners engaged.Unexpectedly, courses on our platform containing SCORM files had a completion rate of just 34%, compared to non-SCORM courses which had a higher completion rate of 53%. Some possibilities for this outcome could be that SCORM files are more difficult to consume in bite-size format, or that the technical limitations that characteristically accompany SCORM content (suboptimal mobile experiences, long loading times) are unattractive to modern learners. As we continue to host more and more content, it will be interesting to see if this difference persists.

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Next week, we will be exploring how video content impacts customer training completion rates.

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