[eBook]: Three Keys to Unlocking a Successful Customer Education Program

[eBook]: Three Keys to Unlocking a Successful Customer Education Program

May 8, 2019
Training Strategy

Regardless of the industry or vertical, Customer Education is a critical facet of any business. And across the hundreds of technology and software companies we've worked with over the years, we’ve learned that the most successful customer education programs share characteristics in three key attributes: strategy, content, and technology.With these three characteristics in mind - strategy, content, and technology - it’s possible for any company to build a Customer Training Platform that both encourages product adoption and supports customer renewal and lead generation opportunities.In this eBook, we will share details on each of these three attributes and what you can do to replicate the best practices of our customers to build an impactful customer education program. Click below to download a copy now.

Three Keys to Unlocking a Successful Customer Education Program ebook from Skilljar

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