[eBook]: A New Segmentation Model for Customer Onboarding

[eBook]: A New Segmentation Model for Customer Onboarding

March 27, 2019
Training Strategy

As we’ve transitioned from on-premise software to the cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, we’ve also seen a new emphasis on customer health and its impact on broader company success. Industry data regularly reinforces the strong correlation between effective onboarding and customer health.A strong customer onboarding program communicates specific value to your users - it demonstrates why they should care about your product and how it will make their jobs easier. Getting customer onboarding right is a proactive and meaningful way to make a lasting impact on customer engagement, retention, and expansion.In this eBook, we will show you a new framework for building a customer onboarding program, including how to segment users and drive long-term value and retention through education. Click below to download a copy now.

Segmentation Model eBook Cover

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