3 Engagement Techniques for Virtual Learning

3 Engagement Techniques for Virtual Learning

March 11, 2020
Customer Experience
Training Strategy

When it comes to online, virtual learning, it can sometimes be challenging for learners to stay engaged and attentive. While many courses turn to polls and quizzes as a method of ensuring that learners are acquiring the necessary knowledge, there are also a number of other ways to engage your audiences. So, how do you make virtual training more engaging? Read on for three unique engagement techniques to try with your learners!

1. Add Kahoot!

Consider adding Kahoot! to your session. Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform in which teachers can create learning games or trivia quizzes on any topic. The games encourage friendly competition, use a colorful, engaging design, and offer a fast-paced (and fun!) way to test learners’ knowledge. To learn how Asana uses Kahoot! in its workshops, check out our recent webinar with Daniel Quick: Creating Delightful Customer Education Programs that Drive Business Outcomes.

2. Use a prompt, then ask for participation

Ask learners to complete a thought exercise and set expectations that they will be contributing their ideas to the group. Effective, imaginative prompts to consider include:

  • “Think of a time when…”
  • “Take a moment to consider…”

Alternatively, you can create a more detailed prompt or activity. One example may be “Take a look at the items on the screen. Which one is most important to you and why?” You can then ask learners to contribute their answers verbally, or via the chat box, depending on the technology you’re using.

3. Encourage real-time application

Oftentimes, especially with software training, there are real-world, in-product applications for the skills and knowledge learners acquire during virtual training sessions. Don’t be afraid to take a few minutes to pause and ask participants to apply something that they’ve learned. Giving them the time to try things out will often prompt interesting questions and help them recall what they’ve learned. If you are using learning labs, this may be a larger part of your training session, but even if you’re not, it pays to give people a moment to process a lesson by performing the relevant action.

When it comes to engaging both virtual and voluntary learners, it’s important to think outside the box and consider how different techniques can help drive (and maintain) focus. And remember, there’s no “right” way to engage your learners. Take the time to try different techniques and don’t be afraid to ask for feedback at the end of the session.  

Do you have other virtual training ideas for encouraging engagement in virtual learning? Share your thoughts with us on Twitter or LinkedIn!

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