What Does a Customer Trainer Do?

What Does a Customer Trainer Do?

September 20, 2016
Training Strategy

Earlier this month we released our new eBook "How to Build a Customer Training Team." We covered common roles found on training teams and why each one is important.

In this post, we'll specifically discuss the Trainer/Instructor role and why your team may need one.

For ILT and VILT delivery options, trainers and instructors are the heart of the team. Trainers are the individuals who design, deliver, and facilitate learning sessions to a variety of audiences. The role includes creating content (presentations, worksheets, agendas), devising surveys, hosting trainings in person and online, and helping plan and execute training logistics. Trainers must have strong interpersonal skills, confidence using technology, a quick learning curve, and willingness to travel.

Job requirements for a Trainer include:

  • Build content knowledge quickly to become an expert in specific topics. Deliver training on those topics to ensure the participants' skills and knowledge are enhanced to maximize results.
  • Create high-quality, detailed, clear training materials (presentations, worksheets, how-to guides).
  • Evaluate various methods and techniques for measuring learning success and impact on future performance.
  • Develop strong relationships and open communication with other company leaders to ensure alignment of training programs with business goals.
  • Experience with virtual classroom facilitation/production and virtual classroom software tools such as Adobe Connect, Cisco WebEx, etc.
  • Possess outstanding interpersonal skills, particularly with classroom delivery and facilitation.


“As Lead Trainer, I’m responsible for ensuring our customers are fully trained on our software so that they adopt and use it in their daily workflow. This includes everything from managing our online on- demand learning platform, to producing live webinars, to keeping our product documentation up to date on our resource center. Additionally, I manage the flow of knowledge from our Product team to our Customer Success team so that all customer-facing employees have full product knowledge at all times.”

- Rebecca Lewis, Training Lead, OpenGov


For more on Customer Training:


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